- foo2xqx, bukan yang dari repository Ubuntu, dan ikuti langkahnya.
Sharing di Windows require samba.
Untuk pasang driver tanpa instalasi, unzip file .exe. Add printer, browse file, cari file .inf. Next, beres.
Gotong royong menyelamatkan devisa negara
How to use PHPParser to display content from an external PHP application inside Plone.
Here are the steps to follow:
, your PHParser item will contain:
You need the keyword structure
if your PHP file generates HTML. If your PHP file generates plain text, you can simply use: content="here/mainPage"
Thanks to Wei He, creator of PHParser, for his help.
If you have many php files this is very tedious. There is in fact a more generic way, using one single template for all:
and modify it slightly
Note that you must consider security if you take the generic approach: remember that all your PHP files in that particular folder will be accessible.