Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

sun-java di Lucid

Gara2nya mau masang freemind. Karena butuh sun-java, maka mesti masang openjdk-6-jre. Karena di Lucid require tzdata/2010m-0ubuntu0.10.04, maka download dulu paket tersebut di
Lalu, simpen di /var/cache/apt/archives/
Kalu enggak, ya langsung install saja agar menimpah paket defaultnya.
Mungkin developernya perlu diberi tahu bahwa dependensi paketnya ada yang mogok?
Ok, deh. Aku juga register di launchpad ...

Saturday, 19 March 2011

plone collective.geo.contentlocations

  1. edit buildout.cfg
  2. run buildout
  3. got this error: "No such file or directory: '/home/enviromatics/Plone/zinstance/parts/instance/etc/zope.conf'"
  4. means zope.conf has been deleted due to unclean product install (; well the product got lots of dependency.
  1. warning: no files found matching '*.mo' under directory 'collective'
  2. warning: no files found matching '*.js' under directory 'collective'
  3. warning: no files found matching '*.mo' under directory 'collective'
  4. the rest seems rooted on them
    1. clean collectives from buildout.cfg, rerun buildout to get the site back
    2. start with the errors now ... ::debugging mode on::